Monday, July 21, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!!

I am so excited to share with everyone that Brooks and I are having a Baby Girl! We were so ecstatic when we got the news! I had a feeling it was a girl and I kept dreaming it was, and it was true.

The baby also looks very healthy & normal and already almost weighs a pound. It was so cool seeing her two legs, two arms, 10 tiny fingers & 10 tiny toes. Babies are such miracles.

I am so thankful for this gift from God. Some of you may know that Brooks and I thought we may never be able to have our own children when I was diagnosed with PCOS and after trying so long for Caleb. We were actually beginning the adoption process when we found out we were pregnant with Caleb. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed me with not only one but another wonderful baby. I know we have a way to go until she here, but I am just so happy!!! Thank you Jesus!

I am truly in awe with my Lord & Savior. I have really been on a journey these last few months and I am learning the true gospel. The gospel that makes me realize how dirty & rotten I am, but how my Jesus saved me and everyone else despite what we are. We don't deserve his gift but he gave it and we should take and share him with everyone.

It's funny, Brooks and I were talking yesterday about how before coming to New City Church if you asked me what the gospel was, I would probably be like"uh, the first four books of the New testament." Unfortunately, religion has watered down Jesus to a nice story or a part of the bible. But He is what it's all about! Cover to cover it's all about him! It is so heart breaking that many modern day churches hardly even mention Jesus--except maybe in prayer---but he is the whole story- the beginning, the middle, the end. I hope that others will have their hearts and minds opened.

I have a long way to go in this journey. More humbleness to learn, more religion to scrap away, and I know I am a work in progress, but I am so thankful he is giving me a second chance.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My first blog...

Okay, so since everyone else out there is starting a blog. I said hey--why not. I think it will be cool to keep a journal of sorts, especially since I don't have time for much and I have awful handwriting and i can't spell (Thank you God for spellcheck!). I like that blogs can be short or long or whatever because I tend to get impatient and want to hurry and finish. You should see my failed attempts at scrapbooking! I keep buying crap for a scrapbook but everytime I sit down and do it it ends up looking like a kindergarten project gone seriously wrong.

I don't see how those wonder-moms out there have time for it all. The ones who work, cook, cart the kids around to a million activities and still have time to keep current photo albums and scrapbooks. That's not me. I don't cook a lot--for one thing I am expecting baby #2 and I am sooooooooo tired by the time I get home from work. Luckily, my wonderful husband is a very good cook and is much often obliged to cook diner for his exhausted pregnant wife.

It isn't that pregnancy is sooo tiring (it is) but its the combination of pregnancy and an 18 month old that leaves me pooped. My Caleb is the funniest, craziest, wildest little boy I have ever seen! He really lights my world up. There is nothing better in the world than getting him out of bed in the morning and seeing that first smile of day or picking him up from school in the afternoon and seeing him run towards me...Being a mom is the best, most rewarding, awesome job in the world. And now I am about to be a mommy times 2. I am really excited and scared about this next baby. There are so many thoughts that bounce through your head--will we be able to afford it? Will Caleb like the new baby? Will Caleb bite the new baby(we're having a little trouble with biting right now...)? Will I have enough energy to keep up with 2 kids and keep my house clean? But all of those worries pale in comparison to the thought of seeing that baby for the first time. To feeling those little kicks in my belly. I don't see how anyone can experience pregnancy and birth and not believe that we were divinely created by God. It is so incredible how at just 8 weeks pregnant you can watch your baby's heartbeat, to know that even though its only about .5 inch long that the heart has already developed into four chambers. That is amazing to me. The perfect divine creation of each of us by our heavenly father.

All the anxieties, fears, uncertainties seem very small when I think about Jesus and the incredible burdens he bore for us. Since becoming a parent I think often of how hard it must have been for God to send His Son to die such an agonizing death. As a parent the thought of any harm coming to your child is unbearable, but to offer your son as a sacrifice for the world, that is just incredible. I can't thank him enough....he bore my sins...paid my price....paid my husbands unborn baby's.......I pray that all will know the incredible gift that Jesus is and what he has done for us.