Tuesday, March 24, 2009

OK.....let's get blogging again!

Ok, I am going to finally blog again!

It has been forever since I blogged and A LOT has happened since then! I had my beautiful daughter Sarah Kate! She is such a wonderful sweet baby and she has been such a blessing to our family. We had a wonderful Christmas season and I returned to work on January 13th.

The weekend after I went back to work Sarah Kate started getting sick. She progressed through the week with a stuffy nose and I tooked her to the doctor and he prescribed a decongestant. She kept getting worse and wouldn't eat. That Friday I was waiting on the doctor when he got there, and he was very concerned. He sent us straight to the hosipital and they started an IV to get fluids in her ASAP. Her color started to get much better but then we noticed the breathing problems. She got progressively worse through the night and we were transferred to the Children's Hospital.

That saturday was a very very hard day. Sarah Kate got worse and worse. She stopped breathing on the way to the hospital and was entabated. She was put on a ventilator and went into septic shock. She had to have a blood transfusion. She was moved from the ventilator to an oscillator. the next 24-48 hours after that were a blur...but slowly things began to improve. Each day seemed a little better. She was on life support for 8 days. 8 long days.

But God was so sufficient to us in this time. He provided us with patienence, guidance and friendship. The church was so wonderful to us. God's people truly were the church to us. They brought food or just came by and talked with us or made us life.

It made the time go by so much easier.

After two full weeks Sarah Kate made a full recovery and we were able to come home! We were so happy to be home!

As a family we also decided that I would not return to work. It became incredibly apparent that no matter what we had to sacrifice, I had to be home with the kids. So here it is, 7 weeks later, and I am loving being a stay-at-home mommy!

It is so wonderful! It is SO much work, bt it is the most rewarding job I have ever had. Caleb is learning so much and they are both changing so much everyday! God is so Good. He saw all of this from the very beginning. He is so provisional and awesome and incredible.

I know I don't deserve all he has given me. I have not earned it. I can't earn it. He is a great and wonderful God and I am so thankful to know him and be his.